I often get asked… “Why would I need a website? I’m just a small shop, I cater to those who come off the street.”

It makes sense, why would that shop need a website? Especially if you don’t want to sell online or deal with deliveries. A lot of people think you only need a website for selling or for blogs, but that is no longer the case. A website is now a major part of your marketing strategy, it is something that can be hub spot for explaining what your brand is, what your stores sells or even just who you, as a business owner, are.

A website gives a sense of security to your customers, it allows potential customers who are visiting your town to easily find you,  and tells them about your business. It allows you to track exactly who your website appeals to and what pages or products they may be most interested in, allows you to understand the results of competitions easier and smarter… All for free as part of having a website.

There are 4 billion people who use the internet, with 90% of these users using mobile devices to access it, this means most people are using it on the go… And in 2017 the internet influenced $2.3 trillion in retail sales (https://hostingfacts.com/internet-facts-stats/). These figures are just too big to say that having a website isn’t worth it.

No matter what size the business is, no matter what industry, A Facebook page does not appear on Google search as much as an actual website does, and when a website is made nowadays, it does not necessarily need to monitored.

It’s a no brainer, before Christmas comes around, just get your own website designed at the discounted rate of as little as €400 for a full basic website with features like email addresses, easy editing, website tracking installed, secure server installed (https) and responsive modern design.

This offer is only valid until the end of this year and while there is availability before 2019. 

Here at Go Online, you will not need another point of contact, Hosting, website, logos, printing, graphics, social media, can all be created in the sunny South East of Ireland!


Dylan is the Owner of Go Online and he has completed a level 8, third level, 4 year education in Waterford Institute of Technology studying Marketing & Digital Media.

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